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Workshop: Travel in South America Post-Pandemic

Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 3pm PST / 6pm EST

A live workshop with founder Liz Caskey to demystify how travel may look in South America in the future and best strategies to plan a trip to the region.

As vaccination rollout efforts ramp up in North and South America, we are getting a glimpse of a future that once again involves international travel. While it's still far from normal, it is certainly a welcome glimmer of light in the tunnel and we are feeling grateful.


Somehow, we sense on the other side of the pandemic, we will travel better, smarter, with more purpose than ever…and surely, we will never take our ability to explore and taste new flavors for granted. Travel in a post-pandemic world will be different though, and it will require more local support, knowledge, logistics, and planning. 


Since many of you are asking when it's appropriate to start planning trips to the region, and how all of this will unfold, join Liz for this workshop to demystify the process and start re-embracing those travel dreams you've had on hold since last year.

Rsvp to the workshop here